Welcome To Project Life Now


A non-profit organization that promotes the celebration of culture, diversity and unification.


Be the Change” is the motto of Project Life, which is an organization that enables individuals worldwide, an opportunity to become volunteers with ONE mission, which is to demonstrate the love of Christ by serving His people.

As of today, Project Life is proud to share that over 20,000 lives have been touched throughout central Florida, and the Caribbean islands combined. Thousands of supplies such as clothes, school, baby needs, home, and medical supplies, as well as over 20 vehicles have been given to low-income households, local community organizations, such as the Women’s Centre of Jamaica Foundation, and communities that has been affected by any natural disaster. In recognition of 25 years of dedicated community outreach efforts, The City of Orlando issued a Proclamation to Project Life Inc.   officially proclaiming July 23rd, 2018 as “Project Life Inc. Day!” We give God all the glory! In the past 6 years, Project Life has been given an amazing opportunity to team up with local community vendors to work at the Orlando City Soccer Stadium, Daytona 500/Nascar Race, and Arnold Palmer Golf Tournament. These partnerships allow Project Life volunteers to serve at these events, to continue fundraising efforts for our missionary outreach events!

From Dr Hepburn & Lady Hepburn


Project Life Founder & CEO Dr. Durone and Phuong Hepburn would like to send a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has given their time, efforts, and resources to helping Project Life in its mission to “Be The Change” and impact the lives of those in hurting communities. Our hearts and prayers go out to all the families affected by unforeseen tragedies such as Covid 19, hurricanes, and earthquakes around the world! Our mission is to lead and positively affect the hearts of people in a way that provokes them to stand in their God-given purpose to change the world one community at a time. We believe each of you have what it takes to impact others’ lives, whether it’s by cooking a meal, leading a group, spreading the word or scrubbing a floor; you ALWAYS have something you can give to the cause of “Being The Change”.

Help us to continue being the change in our nation by purchasing Project Life gear

Life Cap

“Be The Change” T-shirt

Protective Face Mask